18 million euro from NWO for the Ruisdael Observatory

25 September 2018

Since the industrial revolution the composition and structure atmosphere and our climate have changed due to emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollution and fine particulate matter (aerosol). The Ruisdael Observatory, a consortium of five Dutch universities, including the VU, and four research institutes, aims to thoroughly measure and model the changes in the atmosphere above the Dutch territory. In this way the Ruisdael Observatory will create an accurate picture of the changes of local weather, climate and air quality.

Ruis­dael re­cently re­ceived 18 mil­lion euro from NWO, the Nether­lands Or­gan­i­sa­tion for Sci­en­tific Re­search, to fur­ther de­velop the cur­rent net­work of mea­sur­ing sta­tions. This net­work con­sists of both fixed sta­tions in the Nether­lands as well as mo­bile sen­sors that pro­vide data on the phys­i­cal and chem­i­cal prop­er­ties of the at­mos­phere and the in­ter­ac­tion with the sur­face of the earth.